
imageWelcome. I am a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist. My bodywork helps relieve chronic pain and tension issues so that my clients can move more freely and live more fully. Clients find my work deep, gentle, thorough, and effective. I hold Advanced Certification in Prenatal, Postpartum, and Labor Massage for normal, complicated, and high-risk pregnancies. I am a professional Birth Doula and a Student Midwife.

As a bodyworker and birth tender, I have a passion for getting down to the heart of the matter and for guiding people through difficult and significant passages. I believe that within the hidden and untouched places in our bodies live our greatest strengths, the potential for unrestricted movement, an authentic and full range of human expression, and the means for deeper relationship with ourself, those we love, and the world.

Please contact me with your questions, to schedule a bodywork session, or if you would like to meet for an initial doula interview.