My Services

Sacred Lomi

$150 per 120 minutes

Lomi Lomi is the Hawaiian word for "massage", and it is part of a larger native Hawaiian tradition of healing and natural body care. Many styles of bodywork separate the physical and energetic. The intention of Sacred Lomi is to embrace the integrated whole being - physical, emotional and energetic. By creating a sacred space of unconditional love and acceptance (aloha), I invite the recipient to completely let go and receive. 

A Sacred Lomi session looks quite different from a typical therapeutic massage.  Massage oil is ample.  Music is stronger.  Breath is audible and rhythmic.  Draping is minimal (genitals remain covered throughout the session). Multidimensional bodywork flows spontaneously and continually from head to toe, above, below, and around the body. Flowing, circular runs nurture and embrace, clearing out the old patterns and awakening the divine in the physical being. 

Pressure can be quite light or very firm.  

Deep Tissue Massage

$100 per 90 Minutes

In Deep Tissue sessions, I tend to flow between intense, specific treatment work and longer connecting strokes. Clients find my work deeply nurturing, thorough, and effective.  Generally speaking, Deep Tissue Massage is a form of bodywork that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body. It is a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries. Please keep in mind that some soreness is pretty common after a treatment, and that plenty of water should be ingested to aid with the flushing and removal of toxins that will have been released from the deep tissues during the session.

Well-Woman Massage

$100 per 90 minutes

A woman so often finds herself tending lovingly to all those around her as she runs on some mysterious reserve of life-force energy.  When she does this too much, too often, her own physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being begin to suffer.  She feels it, knows it, and so do her loved ones.  When she tends to her own heart, body, and spirit, she is rejuvenated, and those around her are blessed by her radiant presence. A Well-Woman Massage is a full-body deep tissue or integrative session that includes time to tend to your womb and breasts with gentle and nurturing touch.  During our session, I can teach you a way to massage your own womb and breasts to encourage the healthy circulation of blood and lymph to will help keep your most intimate parts well. If desired, I can also share an alternative to Kegels to help regain and maintain pelvic floor strength throughout your childbearing years and beyond. A well-woman session is truly a wonderful way to get back in touch with your womanly self!

Pregnancy Massage

$100 per 90 minutes

Becoming a mother is a powerful and deeply transformative experience that begins long before a woman gives birth and continues on for the rest of her life. Pregnancy is also a time when a woman's body endures tremendous stress due to dramatic physical and emotional changes. Using various techniques specially developed for the expecting mother, Pregnancy Massage helps release the pain and discomfort experienced throughout pregnancy. The benefits are profound, including emotional support, the relief of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, and improved breathing and relaxation.


Postpartum Massage

$100 per 90 minutes

Massage in the postpartum phase helps a woman replenish her body and spirit as she integrates her birth experience and adjusts to the demands of mothering.  This may be in the first few days after giving birth or several years later. I work with the belief that the postpartum process is continual and ever unfolding. I do not believe that the postpartum period last only six weeks, nor do I believe that at some point we are finished becoming mothers. Sometimes a woman will experience loss even as she gives birth, and gentle touch can help her come back into her body as she grieves. I believe that postpartum massage is equally appropriate for a woman who has lost her baby, experienced miscarriage, or chose to end her pregnancy at any stage as it is for a woman who is actively parenting.

Deep Tissue Massage for Dads

$100 per 90 minutes

Therapeutic Massage is a wonderful way to meet Dad's needs for touch, stress relief, and self-care while mom and baby are focusing on bonding, breastfeeding, and recovering from the birth experience during those first few weeks and months. I have worked with hundreds of male clients, from full-time desk jockeys to professional athletes, many of whom are also dads. When Dad says yes to himself, his capacity to care for his loved ones increases and his whole family flourishes.

Intuitive Healing

$100 per 90 minutes

In an intuitive healing session, we work together to restore balance and wholeness to your nervous system, emotional body, spirit and soul. Each session is unique and may include healing reiki, shamanic healing techniques, vibrational medicine, specific massage techniques, and chakra tending. 

Birth Doula

$650 per Birth

As a Birth Doula, my work is to continually foster an external and internal environment that supports a birthing mother's innate wisdom and connection with her birth process, her own body, and her baby.  I am interested in woman-centered, evidence-based care, and believe that every birthing woman has a right to be informed about her options and the right to consent to the care of her choice. Birth is an intelligent, complex, and highly individualized process. I believe that a woman who is giving birth knows best how to allow her body to open, how to push her baby out, and how to care for her baby once baby is born.    

The flat fee of $650 includes:

Two prenatal visits to get to know one another and to explore the mother's and father's needs, beliefs, desires, and expectations around the labor and birth experience.  

On-call availability from 38 weeks to 42 weeks of pregnancy.

Labor support from the beginning of labor until after the mother has given birth and is settled in with baby.

One postpartum visit to assist with breastfeeding, offer emotional and practical support, and to talk about the birth.


In-Home Early Labor Massage

$120 per up to 90 minutes

Early labor can be a time of excitement and preparation.  Receiving a massage is a wonderful way to help a laboring woman settle in, relax, rest, and integrate the variety of sensations and emotions that arise in these early phases of the birth journey.  

Sometimes, a laboring woman will want more hands-on support.  If the mother requests it and my schedule allows, I am willing to stay throughout labor to offer massage along with emotional and/or practical support to her, her birth partner, and family members.  After the first hour of early labor massage, I charge $75 per hour for up to 6 hours of continuous labor support.  If I am requested to stay longer than 6 hours, my fee is a flat rate of $650.  Included in the flat rate is a postpartum follow-up visit to assist with breastfeeding, offer practical support, and check-in around the mother's and family's experience of labor and birth. 

In-home Massage for New Parents

$240 per two 90 minute sessions

This is a special service for new parents, and it makes a great gift.  The new parents are not required to drive anywhere or to do anything extra.  I bring everything we will need for our massage therapy session to your home, and you and your partner simply receive massage one after the other, so someone can always be with baby nearby.  Mom can nurse and hold baby while receiving massage, if she wishes.

Labor Support Mentoring

$100 per private class

I offer private mentoring sessions to pregnant women and their labor partners on specific ways to work together during the labor journey using touch, movement, breath, and verbal and non-verbal communication. Sessions are individualized, very interactive, and hands-on. Clients leave with several techniques to practice together as they prepare for labor. These private sessions are equally useful for partners who plan to birth at home or in the hospital.